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Our Instructors

Below you can see our instructors.

Our instructors work freelance for and are all approved to teach PADI courses. You can read more about them below.

Name: Anders Klit
Padi Pro#: 291751
1. Certificate: 10-2002
Certification: Master Instructor
Time underwater: 34,580 minutes

Name: Niels-Peter Brændeskov
Padi Pro#: 295168
1. Certificate: 08-2003
Certification: Master Instructor
Time underwater: 31,950 minutes

Name: Alfred Kristoffersen
Padi Pro#: 
1. Certificate: 
Certification: Master Instructor
Time underwater: 27,000 minutes

Name: Finn Valther Rasmussen
PADI Pro#: 361901
1. Certificate: 06-2000
Certification: Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Time underwater: 18,000 minutes

Navn: Birgir Freyr Gunnarsson
PADI Pro#: 409815
1. Certificate: 
Certification: Open Water Scuba Instructor
Time underwater: 10,000 minutes
